Monday, February 7, 2011

appreciation is key

i have worked in the retail/service industry basically my entire life. i have been through good managers, bad managers, dishonest managers, relaxe mangers, etc...i have seen, love, and hated them all. but each different experience you have, you learn from. but one of the most crucial things about having employees work for you,  what have to understand is how important positive reinforcement is. when your employee does something unexpected and exceeds yours expectations, your must tell them how much you appreciate them and possibly reward them. in no way shape or form am i putting down constructive criticism either, for this is another important asset to gain. Do not chastise employees unlesss necessary. do not bring your own personal issues into the work place. appreciate employees when necessary. Your establishment is their place of employment, but dont treat them as if they are dispensible, especially if they are good at their job. hard working people are hard to come by these days, especially so in an industry that has such a hig turnover. You want your employees to feel as valuable to you as you are to them. a happy worker is a better worker and will be more willing to do as ask/told if they feel that mutual respect.

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