Monday, March 28, 2011

Mixing Work with Pleasure

I cannot stress enough this trite statement. Do not get too personally involved with your coworkers.  Don''t get me wrong, i am not saying that it is impossible to date someone you work with, be friends with people you work with, go out with people you work with, etc. But be careful on what you say. when you drink with people you work with, unlashed feelings may come out. When you are dating someone you work with, personally life is almost definitely going to sneak into work on a daily basis. My boyfriend of 6 years, I worked with for the first 3 and my roommate is an old coworker of mine and i manage just fine. I am just saying to be careful. Like i said it is not impossible, but just expressing concern to those who may not realize the positive and negative consequences of these specific types of actions. Learn vicariously through others actions. :-)

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Today I am going to talk about teamwork service. maybe i am biased because worked for a restaurant for a year where everything was all about teamwork service. but i want to stress it here to implement in all restaurants because of a few important things. the importance of full hands in, full hands out. this means that when you go into the kitchen, you have dirty dishes in your hand and when you come out of the kitchen you always have hot food (1st always) or a cold beverage in your hands. This enables ticket times to be shorter, especially during high times (when you have some tickets that are 20-30 minutes) enables drinks to be filled at tables, etc. Customer satisfaction is always the most important part of an establishment. it guests are upset, your night can be ruined in the blink of an eye. the fast service is, the quicker your tables are turned and the happier your guests will be. remember, 15-20 minutes can feel like an eternity to a guests so show them how busy your are and they will in turn be more understanding if their food takes longer  (or feels like longer) than they expected. As long as you remain productive and busy, you will be successful :-)

Monday, March 7, 2011

the concept of WHY

Now in my first blog, i discussed how important that it was to appreciate your employees. but not all employees deserve appreciation. sometimes they need to be told when they fuck up or when they are doing something wrong. it is dishonest to try and fire someone or let someone go without them really get a full concept of why/what they are doing wrong and how to correct it. But there are many ways to do this without being a complete and utter asshole. I had a manger once that just expected you to do somehting just because he said it. well guess what asshole, im not 3 years old and your not my mother. if you want me to do something or change my way of doing something i am much more willing to do it if you explain to me WHY. Now i understand that some bosses feel as if they are entitled and cannot go wrong, but your employee is not only more likely to listen to you, but they will respect you in the process. there is nothing worse than staff who doesnt respect you and does shit anyways just to piss you off. trust me, i ve been there and done that and the last thing you want is a disgruntled employee. tell em why you want it done a certain way, they will be much more likely to remember if you tell them why. :-)