Monday, March 7, 2011

the concept of WHY

Now in my first blog, i discussed how important that it was to appreciate your employees. but not all employees deserve appreciation. sometimes they need to be told when they fuck up or when they are doing something wrong. it is dishonest to try and fire someone or let someone go without them really get a full concept of why/what they are doing wrong and how to correct it. But there are many ways to do this without being a complete and utter asshole. I had a manger once that just expected you to do somehting just because he said it. well guess what asshole, im not 3 years old and your not my mother. if you want me to do something or change my way of doing something i am much more willing to do it if you explain to me WHY. Now i understand that some bosses feel as if they are entitled and cannot go wrong, but your employee is not only more likely to listen to you, but they will respect you in the process. there is nothing worse than staff who doesnt respect you and does shit anyways just to piss you off. trust me, i ve been there and done that and the last thing you want is a disgruntled employee. tell em why you want it done a certain way, they will be much more likely to remember if you tell them why. :-)

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