Monday, March 28, 2011

Mixing Work with Pleasure

I cannot stress enough this trite statement. Do not get too personally involved with your coworkers.  Don''t get me wrong, i am not saying that it is impossible to date someone you work with, be friends with people you work with, go out with people you work with, etc. But be careful on what you say. when you drink with people you work with, unlashed feelings may come out. When you are dating someone you work with, personally life is almost definitely going to sneak into work on a daily basis. My boyfriend of 6 years, I worked with for the first 3 and my roommate is an old coworker of mine and i manage just fine. I am just saying to be careful. Like i said it is not impossible, but just expressing concern to those who may not realize the positive and negative consequences of these specific types of actions. Learn vicariously through others actions. :-)

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